Clearly a fed wrote this

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As a Fed, this was a hilarious and accurate read. So many on the right think we are much more resourced and competent than we are.

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The problem is that groups like Patriot Front do not advance anyone's agenda other than the Dems. The Dems claim that "white supremacy" is a big problem and these silly marches advance that agenda.

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Conservatives are terrified of displeasing their Liberal masters, because they lack moral confidence in their actual values. To the befuddled Conservative, the best way to "own the Libs" is to become a better exemplar of Liberal values! The problem is that serves the agenda of our tyrants all the more.

Your average Conservative has the right instincts but the wrong master. They want to be Nationalists, but they are so cowed by pseudo-moral pecking by Leftists and their own Pied Piper leadership that they acquiesce grudgingly to what they see as the only option they have. The right hand washes the left. What groups like Patriot Front and others like them provide is a view of a third option, nascent sure, but aspiring to the values that in their hearts they wish their political leaders would embody. And against this truly grassroots uprising you see the Left and Right working furiously together to crush it.

If Conservatives actually upheld moral confidence in their beliefs, they would neither fear the demonstrations like Patriot Front or others "making them look bad", nor would they endure their false and misleading leadership as they faithfully become the Democrats of the 2010's. They would, in essence, become Nationalists - which is what they're supposed to be. Conservativism has always been a false path for these people.

Conservatism is the worship of dead things, the veneration of beautiful losers, and the mere preservation of dying embers. The base who are forced to crawl into the "only box" called Conservatism want a new Great Awakening, a Resurgence, and a Reconquest of their Manifest Destiny. Patriot Front is just one seed among many that are springing up everywhere following this hidden zeitgeist, and the importance of their actions is fundamentally to show an alternative can exist to the death-spiral of late-stage Democracy and imperial collapse.

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Some dipshit in a cowboy hat walking around with a bunch of fed looking goons only scares the normies. Like the old US Communist Party the feds are probably their main sources of funds.

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Did you even read my article? Anyway, for your edification:


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